Here Together We Are Leading The Way - Helping Dogs All Around The World!

This is my personal blog site, and the "hub" for sharing experiences with you. Here I advocate Cesar Millan's philosophy and ways, sharing success with you all and in the community too! Here there are many tips from my own experiences leading a pack and as a professionaly qualified Behaviourist. Bonus - some extra special insight gained from working for Cesar Millan during the UK Live Tour 2010 as Dog Handler.

For more about my professional services, please do go over to my web site:


It's a "Dog's Life" - 2 pack members swimming in the sea - Ava & PeterPan - "contented canines"!

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Peter's School Days

Hey - there’s a new kid at school - and he’s a Jack Russell pup!! Peter stops in his tracks…the Russells he knows are all higher ranked dogs so this is confusing, what to make of this new guy?! He stares and then avoids him, best to be on the safe side and give the new boy a bit of space - respect from Peter now that’s a first at school!

This week we did agility jumps for half the class- I say we but this time I didn’t have to jump with Peter to show him what to do - he remembered. When he’s focused on his agility work he completely ignores the other dogs doing obedience close by. He’s got the hang of back and close - left and right…but for me it’s a bit trickier as it’s his left and right turns that require the commands and not mine!

After this we joined the rest of the class for some obedience. He’s improving and doing this after some agility works better. However, I was anticipating a reaction when he had to stop near a classmate and handler, I’d get tense and so he duly obliged with an aggressive display! So looks like I’ve got some homework to do on being calm and not projecting anxiety onto Peter!

A charge around the Heath has tired out Peter and the Setters, then we’re back to school to collect Tia, Chris’s dog who’s joining our pack for a couple of weeks.
Coming next: Tia’s holidays - read about her introduction to Crystal Dogs…how will my pack react?

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