Here Together We Are Leading The Way - Helping Dogs All Around The World!

This is my personal blog site, and the "hub" for sharing experiences with you. Here I advocate Cesar Millan's philosophy and ways, sharing success with you all and in the community too! Here there are many tips from my own experiences leading a pack and as a professionaly qualified Behaviourist. Bonus - some extra special insight gained from working for Cesar Millan during the UK Live Tour 2010 as Dog Handler.

For more about my professional services, please do go over to my web site:


It's a "Dog's Life" - 2 pack members swimming in the sea - Ava & PeterPan - "contented canines"!

Thursday, 28 February 2008

The Earthquake Dogs!

Very rarely, the pack awakens me at night with a few loud “woofs” and I’m always saying to myself that I must respond to this by checking out what is wrong for them to sound such an alarm. However, I never do just telling them to quiet down so I can get back to sleep. I really ought to pay attention to them as something important might be going on to need to wake me. I mean I’ve heard before of dogs waking their owners, barking to alert the owner to a fire!

Last night I did the usual quieten down thing - ok I admit a few louder words were used! Albeit this time I did sit up a bit concerned as those who normally sleep on the bed got off and went charging outside barking. This is a very unusual occurrence as Patsy, the old girl, jumped off the bed - normally it has to be breakfast time before she’ll even consider getting up! I couldn’t see anything amiss so I got them all back to bed and that was that. At least so I thought until I heard the news - clearly it was the earthquake that had stirred them up.

Wow, clever dogs - I hadn’t even noticed but they were obviously unhappy about such an event! It is known that dogs can tell when an earthquake is about to happen, some can even tell when a tsunami is approaching. Dogs are being employed to use these incredible senses to alert the authorities out in Indonesia.

Well done all, we didn’t suffer any damage but at least I know I’m safe at night with this pack of dogs, even asleep they’re still alert! All I have to do is be less lazy and respond actively to what they’re trying to tell me!!!

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