Here Together We Are Leading The Way - Helping Dogs All Around The World!

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It's a "Dog's Life" - 2 pack members swimming in the sea - Ava & PeterPan - "contented canines"!

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Monty's Great Adventure

It’s a beautiful clear sunny day, with the big dog troop we’re off to the beach. We start on the beach where Monty first spotted a seal, more than 5 days ago now. He’s off back to the exact spot where the seal appeared, none of the usual mad dashing with Max, he’s searching for said seal!

We head off on the walk, usually along the middle of the beach, Monty is walking right at the edge of the sea - nose down, paying no attention to any of the others or me (I even have dog treats in my bag but they’re of no interest today). He’s speeding up …. Has he picked up the seal’s scent I wonder.

He’s off, at quite a pace. We’re all lagging behind now, Max catches him up from time to time but he appears to be in his own world - Monty and his Seal world. With Monty “seal tracking”, the rest of us head off onto the dunes, we do this routinely so Monty does know which way to go, but nothing is to disturb his tracking!

Eventually he realises he’s on his own, I can see him but he can’t see me. He turns and heads back, still keeping close to the shore. Next thing he’s passing me, I’m calling him, he’s oblivious! He’s passed us, he’s in front of me and he’s off….no way can we all keep up! So we too head off towards home, now I can’t even see him on the distant beaches… I mean he is a very large black Gt Dane on a sandy beach….how does that happen!

At last we arrive back at the house and there he is as large as life, standing by the gate looking baffled and very pleased to see the rest of the troop! I just wonder if anyone saw a large black dog, striding out alone along a beach on a mission?! He wouldn’t have gone near anyone or any dog, just focused on getting himself home without being noticed!

So that’s that then - it is possible to “loose” a Gt. Dane on an empty beach in clear weather!! Seal tracking - a new sport for Gt. Danes, a non-contact sport obviously I wouldn’t let him to close to one and they‘re too fast at swimming for him!

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