Look how close Peter is to Chris with one of her dogs, Bruffy - and they're both off lead, calm yet working hard ....simply amazing!
We have “play time” at school, where we break the dogs off from working for some "rest and relaxation" - which usually translates to charging about playing with each other. Peter's lack of social skills have meant that he has been unable to join in so far. He does know Chris's dogs socially, but in this different environment he does not recognise them as friends. As only Chris's dogs were here today, and he had already been friendly with Bruffy, we introduced Tia (Chris's puppy). After a few corrections of his aggression, I let him off lead to great Tia, he met her with good manners so off all three went to play! So there Peter you can do it!
Looks like agility training is the way to go with Peter then. We will do some more obedience work first though to improve his attention on me, then we’ll take up agility. Thing is that’s the 9am class - thanks Peter!
A good charge around the Heath with the Setters, all exhausted we headed home to a sunny beach!
Will his classmates return next week? We shall see.
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