Here Together We Are Leading The Way - Helping Dogs All Around The World!

This is my personal blog site, and the "hub" for sharing experiences with you. Here I advocate Cesar Millan's philosophy and ways, sharing success with you all and in the community too! Here there are many tips from my own experiences leading a pack and as a professionaly qualified Behaviourist. Bonus - some extra special insight gained from working for Cesar Millan during the UK Live Tour 2010 as Dog Handler.

For more about my professional services, please do go over to my web site:


It's a "Dog's Life" - 2 pack members swimming in the sea - Ava & PeterPan - "contented canines"!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Golden Dog Awards

This week sees more of the pack challenging previous award winners! Those with outstanding performances are:

Gold Award - Goes to Monty, the Gt Dane. For actually going into the sea up to his waist - this is unprecedented and only inspired by a seal! The seal was happily swimming close to the shore when Max and Monty spotted it, the seal ducked and swam off - don’t blame it on seeing these two! However, Monty’s hasn’t seen one before and knows nothing of their behaviour, that they can and do swim off into the deap sea! So he went in after it, to hunt it down - Gt Danes were used to hunt wild boar once upon a time, did this instinct kick in I wonder, did he think it was a wild swimming boar?! Anyway, 2 days later we returned to this beach, Monty went again into the sea at the same place, refusing to come on the rest of the walk as he was busy searching for “his prey” - the seal. Clever seal, of course, would have been miles away! Never mind Monty, well done for going into the sea at last and demonstrating some instinct, you’re not just a couch potato after all!

Silver Award - Goes to Jack, the Chihuahua x Yorkshire Terrier, “Chalky”. For excellent behaviour when receiving his pre-spring hair cut courtesy of Chris in her pet shop. Short back and sides, not so much like teddy bear now there is a dog under that disguise!! Much sand was left behind along with his winter coat!

And finally, the Bronze Award goes to the Jack Russell 4 Dog Pack, headed up by Eddie, they successfully navigated the local woods and returned when called. This is significant, as to get a perfect recall when they’re busy doing their thing - “russelling” about with the direction only known to them, is unheard of. The best I’ll get from these Terriers is a return to me, soon after calling them and at a running pace, zigzagging their way! Not nicknamed “The Rat Pack - Terrible Terriers” for nothing, when there’s a rat about and the chase is on I may as well forget recall until they‘ve caught up with their target!!

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