I want to share an incredible story with you about how confident dominant dogs can protect without using aggression! Max, our Doberman, is for sure a "would-be alpha" dog - a natural leader with calm assertive energy. In this story he did truly save a life and proves that dogs do naturally live in packs and that dominance is not a bad thing when used as animals do - without human complex emotions...not as we humans can sometimes mis-understand dominance as a negative unwanted dictatorship behaviour!
On the beach my husband Simon and Max, along with some other pack members, were enjoying a stroll. Jack, the little Chihuahua mix, who was nearby Simon was suddenly charged by other dogs.. they just appeared! Along came these 5 Greyhounds off-leash and not under control, they attacked Jack aggressively. There was no chance to stop these dogs quickly enough with their intent on attack - prey drive! Jack yelped and rolled over and over to try to stop them getting him.
Simon had Max on leash, when from behind him came Alfie, our Setter, who was off-leash and went into the middle of the attacking dogs, all calm Alfie began to circle Jack to protect him keeping these hounds back from Jack....normally Alfie barks but he was completely quiet!
Alfie was unable to stop the attack completely with this blocking as he is quite a low ranked dog.
So Simon, with Max under control and on leash, went into the middle - Max immediately took over as directed to - he instinctively knew which one of these hounds was the Leader Dog of that pack. Without aggression, Max picked up one of the greyhounds by their coat (a doggie jacket not the fur/skin) and threw the dog to the side to stop the attack from that dog - their leader...."It Worked"! Not only did this dog stop but the whole pack of Greyhounds stopped and stood very still....as did Max!
Meantime Jack ran away home! Max knew just what to do - he could stop this attack safely and far quicker than a human, as we are after-all a different species! So he was enabled to do so under Simon's control and saved Jack from further injury. Max did not use any aggression, as he would have naturally known to fight would be to cause more aggressive confrontation...no barking and not even hackles up!
As Max was on-leash he could not use "bump" to move these dogs away, this is when dogs bump into another to move them, so he just threw without harming. By stopping the Leader the whole pack stopped, no need for Max to do anything else but stand there with very calm/assertive dominant energy!
The owner was very sorry, but my husband and pack just moved-on, no point in going over the event as these dogs should have been under owner control but were not - they should have been leashed and muzzled, yet they were neither - it was that simple!
Anyway Max was keen to go fetch Jack back into the safety of the pack - he was no longer interested in the Greyhounds! So Max was the leader in the moment and protected his pack without aggression.
Simon, being a naturally calm person, made the right decision in that moment to direct Max to step-in, he remained calm while Max stopped the attack. Of course he knows Max and trusts him never to use aggression.
Jack is OK, not too badly hurt, Max is such a balanced dog, a true Ambassador for the Doberman breed, with Simon having perfect timing to enable Max to stop the attack and Aflie trying to block - great team work..packs do work..working together works!
Coming next - my take on how this relates to Cesar's Way and how we can mimic Max to protect our dogs...remember though we can only ever control our own dog, as people we can only aim to safely block another dog, and if we cannot then I will share with you how we can be sure to help our dogs move-on from an unavoidable attack!
If all dog owners were as responsible as my readers
all would indeed be well -
eductaion is the way forward so
keep on reading me here and then
Way to go Max...a tremendous example of leadership!
Hi Suzie
Have only just read this after you mentioned it in your email! Way to go Max!!!
Nic x
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