"YES" Mickey you are a great looking dog...but that is not what I meant by "mirror"!
Dogs are our "mirrors"! In some way our dogs mirror back at us our own energy and emotion.
This is a key part of Cesar's philosophy and the reason why Cesar can help transform the lives of owners for the better too! Cesar's Way brings balance and peace to the whole pack...all the family.
In the past I didn't come across a Behaviourist in this country who had such a philosophy - to help the humans as well, rather most refused to have any dealing with the people just the dogs...and sometimes "just a talk about the dogs problems" without even meeting the dog, as the dog was acting out aggressively!
How can we help a dog to recover without helping the humans to balance and harmony in their lives too? I don't believe we can single out the dogs..we need to treat the family with a holistic approach...as one pack.
So this is what I do...I coach people and rehabilitate dogs, inspired as ever by Cesar. This, I add, is more like "life coaching" than counselling - the latter needs a professional in human psychology, while coaching is all about achieving individual goals. Sometimes it is hard even to identify "what you want" so this is where we begin...until we know what we want how can we feel like we are meeting our needs and those of our dogs.
The mirror works...to accept oneself and then to decide how to change..."nothing changes if nothing changes"...I can empower you to find just what works for you and your dog.
Many who come to me with their dog problems have been told there is no way to change their dogs behaviour or mind-set - there is...I found the way and the dogs recovered. There is always hope...believe there is a way and we will find it together.
I have many mirrors here...13 dogs to tell me every moment what my energy is to check that I remain a benevolent leader, clam and confident so that my dogs continue to respect and trust me. We enhance our special bond every day on our journey through life together.
What is your dog trying to tell you?
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