Introducing "Eva" our new pack member - the smallest member now being a Chihuahua and only 8 weeks old! She is beautiful in both character and those big blue eyes! Eva will teach me "all about puppy psychology & behaviour" - so I can coach you to raise your puppy calm and balanced...leading the way to "puppy peace"!
She is a very confident dog taking in her stride meeting the pack on her first day...no fear just interest ...though she looked a little amazed at the GT Dane, Monty, when he sniffed a "polite" greeting...but then his paw is bigger than she is! One day later and she licks his face as she passes by him snoozing!
Eva for now is on her "puppy license" this means she can get away with behaviour around the pack that an older dog could not, for example an older dog new into the pack and climbing all over the Terriers here would be corrected by my Terrier dogs ... but Eva can do it as she is puppy and all the dogs naturally understand "puppy" - so my pack allow this & play...just for now! Peterpan loves her, he is very gentle playing with her by rolling over!
This is my time as Pack Leader to teach her the home discipline - the rules, boundaries and limits so that when her "puppy license" runs out she is not climbing on them so they have no need to correct her.
The "power of the pack" helps in positive modelling ...this means they are "toilet training" her to go outside...thank you pack! But of course negative behaviour can be modelled by puppy as well so they are all having to be extra well behaved....I don't want her to think she is a Terrier and chase those flying rats...pigeons in the way the JRTs do in the garden!
Eva is a lovely dog, she won't grow very big but she makes up for size in spirit! She already walks all round the garden and out to the post box with me, but then she met the "cat" and backed-up...I am not surprised I back up from my cat! She was also a little spooked by the noise the chickens make but I was careful not to reinforce this fear with a human emotion ... as tempting as it was to cuddle...that would be a mistake in dog psychology!
Follow her journey to becoming a balanced adult dog here....Eva is my Star...named after Evita...one of my favourite films starring Madonna...Eva is my "little Madonna" she sure has her confidence!
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