OK - so it is not really a "hunt" but a pack walk along the beach! Joining us is new dog "Oscar" - can't miss him he is the only black dog "bottom" in amongst Jack Russell white bottoms! And, I have no idea what "Loopy Lucy", my mad Setter, thinks she is chasing but what an expression. With her daughter Snoopy, our blind dog, behind yet very alert to her mother's strange movement style.
The dogs love this walk, having received left overs from Christmas lunch there is much energy to run off. So there is nothing to hunt except the smell of fish - but to roll in such is a great from of dog fun!
The odour of dog replaced by that of fish, so it was a wash for all with Tea Tree shampoo on their return, pack leader I am but dog I am not - I just can't bear the scent of rotting fish even if the pack think it is akin to expensive perfume for dogs!
Fulfilled they slept through the rest of Boxing Day, while I watched my gratefully received Xmas gift of Cesar's Season One Dog Whisperer Shows! This series has not been shown on TV here for a while - we watched episode one with the Chihuahua "Nunu"....now my Chihuahua mix has a split personality...sometimes he is my Jack and sometimes he is "Nunu"!
More about "Jack/Nunu" soon.
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