The pack have a new member - 10 month old Oscar, A black Lab mix with a little Springer Spaniel!
Oscar, re-homed to us here at CrystalDogs, has bonded well with most of the pack...Monty the Gt Dane is still a little unsure as Oscar loves to try to play with him - fascinated by his sheer size and slobbery chops!
It took a few hours to get PeterPan to accept Oscar into the pack, we have not had a male younger than PeterP here for a couple of years as PeterP was so aggressive to other younger males. Well PeterP was muzzled to begin with as he relapsed into red zone, I had to step-up my Pack Leader energy and followed Cesar's Way to introduce a new dog to PeterP and then later to the rest of the pack.
We began with much walking exercise - just PeterP and Oscar together, then some supervised discipline time around the home, PeterP relaxed and peace was restored. Now PeterP, I am sure, thinks Oscar is "so cool" as Oscar is a young, high energy dog - he needs more exercise than the rest of the pack and PeterP gets to go along too!!
Oscar did not react to PeterP's aggression in any way - he was not aggressive in response to PeterP's lunging attacks .... I think I have the dog I need now - as Cesar talks of too - we get the dogs we need not necessarily the ones we want! I need a dog to work with me to help balance other dogs - welcome Oscar my "Rehab Assistant"!
Oscar has settled into our routine very well, from day one he began to learn how to rest from the pack! It is strange though having a pup around the place again ..... things go missing .... socks and the empty dog food cans in the trash bin are favourites!
More on Oscar coming soon as we are now a pack of 14 dogs!
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