Here Together We Are Leading The Way - Helping Dogs All Around The World!

This is my personal blog site, and the "hub" for sharing experiences with you. Here I advocate Cesar Millan's philosophy and ways, sharing success with you all and in the community too! Here there are many tips from my own experiences leading a pack and as a professionaly qualified Behaviourist. Bonus - some extra special insight gained from working for Cesar Millan during the UK Live Tour 2010 as Dog Handler.

For more about my professional services, please do go over to my web site:


It's a "Dog's Life" - 2 pack members swimming in the sea - Ava & PeterPan - "contented canines"!

Monday, 1 September 2008

Wolves, Domestic Dogs and Martin Clunes

We have been watching Martin Clunes and his dogs in the documentary which talks of how dogs descend from wolves, I'll tell you Eddie agrees - she watched the whole programme and particularly interested in the "howling", thankfully my pack didn't join in!!

I completely agree that we need to be our dog's Pack Leader! Cesar's Way, The Dog Whisperer, is "Be The Pack Leader" and that is why he has such huge success treating dogs and their owners, rehabilitating back to balance. So I for one am pleased Martin referred frequently to the need for a Pack Leader, this is how I live with my pack and help my clients achieve balanced relationships too. Even if there is just "one dog" and one human (or many humans - the family) the human and dog relationship is a pack - the human(s) must be the Pack Leaders! This programme reached many I am sure who may now understand more about dogs needing to be dogs, not surrogate humans!

One thing that was not explained was in the second episode about the release of the wild pack of dogs - you may be wondering why so many males (7 I think) were released into the wild with just 2 females? It is because in nature the pack dynamics are "more males than females" to avoid fighting among females who can fight on until death, the ratio needs to be higher in favour of males. In my pack the ratio is 8 males to 5 females - this works to help avoid my females fighting. Many people have multiple females without realising the "potential behaviour problems if two females are social rank climbers - dominant energy dogs, especially if they are also similar in age", it is common for this to lead onto aggressive inter-female fighting - the problem is that even 2 females alone can be too many in an environment and this is not about the physical size of the environment, it is about dynamics - the psychological space within the pack. BUT there is a way to have two such females in balance living together - Human You Need To Be The Alpha - Be The Pack Leader and have both females as equal ranked followers - it works!

Also, I hope a bonus from this documentary is that people will stop breeding dogs with physical problems and mental health issues - Let's get dogs back to nature and being/looking like dogs - Oh and that includes "dressing them up" - there is no need and I assure you any dog prefers to romp in a field rather than "wearing a designer coat and being carried around"!!

So anyone with any comments on this programme?

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