Patsy, Eddie, Mickey and Timmy - 4 Terriers are go! Click on photo to enlarge the rat-pack!
Meet the ladies either side of my knees ...."Eddie" my first pure bred JRT.....and "Patsy" my Parson Russell Terrier - my first two dogs and my "introduction" to the world of Terriers...some time back now! And then along came "Macho Mickey", with his tan and white face - another pure JRT, standing to my far right side - suits his name, hey?! Which led onto...
Timmy, standing next to Mickey and almost pure white (apart from tan spots on his ears and a splodge above his eye!) .... Patsy and Mickey's son! So Timmy is half Parsons and half Jack, 5 years old and a little odd - Why? Because he is not truly a Terrier...by breed "Yes" but by instinct "No"! Timmy helps me in the small animal enclosure here, daily he comes in with the rabbits and the closest he gets is to rub noses with the dominant male bunny! He walks freely about in their run, no harm on his mind at all and these small animals know that so they are not afriad of him, he is the same way with the cat and the chickens! I don't think Mickey, Patsy and Eddie are very "proud" of him - I sure know what these other 3 would do in such a place as many rats and pigeons would testify if they hadn't lost out on run-ins with these dogs!
Eddie and Patsy will be 9 next year - Patsy slowing up ...well she never really did "quick" in the first place - unless she hears the "Eddie Cry" from somewhere in the garden out back which roughly translates to "rats!!" - though usually means flying rats - pigeions! I think Patsy's kennel club name "Right You Are" means "right on human, I'll be there soon ... sometime....when I am ready...right you are!" But Eddie is not slowing up - she still managed to chase a hare across 3 fields this week...no real chance of catching this fast mover but that didn't stop her trying!
Patsy, Eddie and Mickey are all "ruffntuff" pure bred Terriers - a truly great breed line. If you check out their web site you will see some fabulous pictures of some great dogs ... who look very similar to my lot here and may well be some of their exteneded family members! ... enjoy: http://www.ruffntuffterriers.net/
Many remark on how Eddie "is such a cute puppy" even now and Mickey "such a great looking boy"....Timmy however has been told "he is a very pretty girl"! Ooops never mind Tiny Tim, just as well I am not a breeder hey everyone at Ruffntuff!
I just love my Terriers...this truly is a "ruff n tuff pack" here at the beach! - in the background you can just see little Jack and Bob (well his tail anyway) trying to get in on the terrier photo shoot!!