Here Together We Are Leading The Way - Helping Dogs All Around The World!

This is my personal blog site, and the "hub" for sharing experiences with you. Here I advocate Cesar Millan's philosophy and ways, sharing success with you all and in the community too! Here there are many tips from my own experiences leading a pack and as a professionaly qualified Behaviourist. Bonus - some extra special insight gained from working for Cesar Millan during the UK Live Tour 2010 as Dog Handler.

For more about my professional services, please do go over to my web site:


It's a "Dog's Life" - 2 pack members swimming in the sea - Ava & PeterPan - "contented canines"!

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Southern California? - YOU could Meet "Daddy"! UK please read too!

Hello All - Special Announcement for you
in South California, or nearby, States Side!
an opportunity to support Cesar from the UK!
Presenting Jen - "At The End Of Your Leash", S.California
This is a special event coming very soon, a wonderful fundraiser in support of "The Cesar and Illusion Millan Foundation" with a once in a life-time opportunity to meet the beautiful Daddy, Cesar's balanced Pit Bull! You can meet some of your Cesar Ambassadors too!
And as well as other great speakers, my own favourite "Nunu" and owner Tina will be there, "Nunu" is the Chihuahua from the very first DW show episode - a very well rehabilitated little/big dog, my Ava would love "Nunu", "Oh how I wish I could be there to meet Nunu and Daddy!" Don't miss this chance if you can get there, do so and say a big "HI" from my pack and I!
This event is being run by Jen Freilich, Owner/Trainer/ Behaviorist and Official West Coast Regional Cesar Millan Ambassador, USA:
Jen owns/runs "At The End of Your Leash!", Dog Training & Rehabilitation Center for Complete Canine Wellness! Jen is also a key mentor of mine, frequently inspiring me with her amazing knowledge of canines and their owners too!
Here are some of the details from Jen herself:
When: Saturday, June 27th, 2009; Time: 2:00 - 9:00 pm;
Location: At The End of Your Leash! Dog Training & Rehabilitation Center for Complete Canine Wellness, Riverside, Ca. 92508;
Tickets: Before June 15 - Adult $25 / Children (11&under) $12Tickets: After June 15 - Adult $30 / Children (11&under) $15;
Who's invited: ALL of YOU!
YET,.. tickets are limited,.. there are only 250 available, and they are going fast! This is most certainly a "can't miss" fundraiser for one of the best organizations!
Cesar has given to all of us unconditionally, now its your turn to give back! We want ALL of you there! Many of you live in Southern California, contact me today for your tickets!
For those who cannot make it, have no fear! YOU can still HELP! YOU can still GIVE BACK! Send a donation in any amount! Its all tax deductible!
Contact Details:
Jen Freilich TEL: 951-288-5034 OR
jeniferfreilich@ for email contact with Jen and/or
to send a donation/become a sponsor of this event, via paypal.
CrystalDogs ........and our new website: Check us out here!!
I am raising sponsoring on behalf of the UK supporters of Cesar's Way, I know my PeterPan is one contented canine now thanks to the inspiration of Cesar Millan!
So if you wish to join me, and get a mention at the event, even though we over the pond here so may not be able to attend in person, then do get in touch with me or Jen directly!
A little more about the foundation
this fundraiser is supporting:
National Geographic’s “The Dog Whisperer,” Cesar Millan and his wife Ilusion Millan have founded The Cesar and Ilusion Millan Foundation, a national, non-profit 501(c)(3) foundation designed to aid and support the rescue, rehabilitation and placement of abused and abandoned dogs.Your Pledge allows The Cesar and Ilusion Millan Foundation to provide financial support and rehabilitation expertise to shelters throughout the United States, ultimately enabling them to maintain the highest standards of care and assistance to animals under their protection.
The millions of animals that enter shelters each year need the help of strong Pack Leaders. We count on you to lead the charge in helping The Cesar and Ilusion Millan Foundation save more dogs from euthanasia. Each of these abandoned animals deserves a second chance. Together we can prevent unwanted litters, assist overcrowded shelters, and provide resources to the rescues that work diligently to rehabilitate these dogs and find them the forever homes they deserve.
With your donations, the Millan Foundation is able to provide monetary grant support to the shelters and rescues20on the front lines. These organizations are rescuing dogs from abusive puppy mills and euthanasia lists, alleviating shelter overcrowding through spaying and neutering, and educating today’s youth on proper pet care and the humane and compassionate treatment of animals. To learn more about the foundation, please visit
So please join me in wishing the organisers Jen,
and fellow CA Ambassador Jill Vega,
great success with this event!
Look out for more "After-event" opportunities and "read all about it" - check back in here!


DC said...

Sounds like an amazing event. Hope it's a really great success.

Darlene said...

what a great blog and the sharing of your love for our canine friends, have you ever thought about having a video made to put on your website/blog, i produce vision map videos and i think it would be a great idea... check out my blog when you get a chance, i have done a video for a pet sitter and he is really pleased with comments he has gotten...

have fun and keep up the great work, the world needs you

darlene siddons