When dogs "howl" they do this to stay in touch with the pack and their leader! Howling is not a protest or an "alerting" behaviour like barking.
I go out to feed the small animals in the front garden each morning and, though I am only a few feet away from my pack, they howl...little Jack starts this with his tiny voice and then all the dogs join in!
Now .....the other day Simon was here when they howled to me and he said there was one very strange howl...it came from the room the dogs do not go into - "cats room"! Socks, our cat, was joining in the "pack howl" - sat on his chair head tilted he was copying his pack mates the dogs with a howling noise..."cat style"!
So even though Socks the cat does not share the same home space as the dogs, he is still a pack member according to him! The reason he lives apart is because the Terriers' instinct could not be trusted around this furry animal, but this said he is a very dominant cat who has stood his ground when the dogs pass-by him on a walk! I never leave cat and my dog pack alone unsupervised...prey drive, remember, is one thing we cannot control unless we leaders are very close-by to do so!
Actually, Socks is supposed to be an outdoor cat, but at times he prefers the comfy life in his own private room! When he is out and about he does not fear dogs, he fears the chickens here yet sits happily with the rabbits!
The other day Socks sat in the road and refused to move for a passing car, I had to go move him as he tried to swipe the driver who went over to him! - Here it is "beware of the cat"!
Ava, our Chihuahua puppy, touches noses with Socks the cat! She likes him and he seems to be OK with her as he has not swiped his paw...yet...but I think Ava senses this grumpy cat and moves off quickly after their greeting!
Dogs are Dogs...Cats are Cats...YET all are
ANIMAL FIRST so can be "One Pack"!
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