Here Together We Are Leading The Way - Helping Dogs All Around The World!

This is my personal blog site, and the "hub" for sharing experiences with you. Here I advocate Cesar Millan's philosophy and ways, sharing success with you all and in the community too! Here there are many tips from my own experiences leading a pack and as a professionaly qualified Behaviourist. Bonus - some extra special insight gained from working for Cesar Millan during the UK Live Tour 2010 as Dog Handler.

For more about my professional services, please do go over to my web site:


It's a "Dog's Life" - 2 pack members swimming in the sea - Ava & PeterPan - "contented canines"!

Saturday, 31 January 2009

Can humans be "Alpha"?


But we cannot be dogs - so we have to find the way to inter-species communication and acceptance!

This is not about "going through doors first" or indeed "not sitting on sofas" - as you should see my Gt Dane on his sofa, afterall we are not dogs!

The "Dog of the Month" for January is Max my Doberman - in his DNA he is a high ranked dog, but this does not mean dominant in the way we can sometimes understand this. To dominate others is not to use aggression, as this would be insecure behaviour - not the behaviour of a leader!

A true "Alpha Leader" dog only uses calm/assertive energy to lead the pack, never aggression, they are followed out of respect by other ranks including other high ranked dogs. These dogs have no need of training their pack, like we humans teach dog obedience, they simply have a structure - rules/boundaries/limits.

MAx, now 7, has always had this confidence - it is his DNA to be high ranked and dominant over lower ranks - but not a single case of aggression from my Dobey yet all the pack members show respect naturally. This is why I prefer the term "high ranked, confident dog" than "Dominant" and don't forget we can always climb to be higher - the leader of the pack!

The really interesting part in all this is that to have a balanced pack with human leader all my dogs need to be my equal followers - they are and this stops any fighting over rank...Max is just fine with this as he respects my leadership and rules.

So I "mimic" Max, this is how I learned to show leadership from a "would-be leader" - I raised my status to be accepted as his Leader and he will follow my lead anywhere...anytime....just today he followed my communication to "be with me" rather than his instinct to chase a wild deer, this I could not train him to do but he knows to be a safe and a valued member of the pack is to follow my lead...even off-lead!

Max has taught me so much I could not learn from a book, for example "how to reunite" - this is amazing to watch him - he stands tall...aloof..."no touch - no talk - no eye contact". My Dobey is 7 this year, I hope for many more years with my best friend and incredible teacher.

So even with other "would-be" alpha dogs we can indeed be the leader, we just have to "talk" using energy and body language...not words! - Watch your dogs and you too can learn how to talk with the animals. Remember don't try to lower a dog - it won't work as it goes against nature - raise yourself to leader and it works! Max agrees!

Max loves being "just dog" but he is so much more to me...our dogs share our jounrney through life for a reason - what is your dog sharing with you? Max is showing me the way to help dogs...many dogs back to balance - what a truly wonderful gift between species.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

All Around The World!

Cesar's Way is helping dogs to recover to balance all over the world! Cesar's philosophy is helping owners to understand some dog psychology to improve their relationships with their beloved canine companions.

There is a DW fans list where many people from different countries share stories of success and support each-other during "dog rehab"! This Yahoo Group List can be found here:

All over the world people follow Cesar's Way... from USA to UK, from Peru to Netherlands, from India to Australia and the list goes on and on...Welcome "Doctor G" - a Vet from Lema, Peru, I hope you continue to find this blog helpful this year!

Many more owners from lots of countries are joining the on-line community - Cesar's Web site and Forums, I am proud to be one of Cesar Millan's Ambassadors with responsibility for the UK and Interntaional regions, so please do come and join us there:

So far this year I have helped to save 2 more dogs - lives are being saved everywhere thanks to Cesar's day and one dog at the time we all do make a difference.

Business here at CrystalDogs is both welcomed and popular, we are successfully leading the way to rehabilitation for dogs with problems, improving relationships and helping many understand "why dogs do what they do". Remember my services are provided to suit you!

This is post number that was 100 in the last year! I shall be working hard to communicate more advice and tips this year...maybe I can double and hit 300 by the end of the keep reading and commenting.

Thank you.

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Wishing a calm assertive, balanced and peaceful new year to all of you.

Coming soon will be the CrystalDogs official web site, listing all our services.

By far the most popular service was launched last year in response to demand from dog owners all over the UK - "Distance Owner Coaching" - DOC!

This service I provide is personal and individual to you - I train you to understand dog psychology/behaviour - tailored to you so that you can improve your human/dog relationship. I can help you learn the inter-species language - Energy! You get one-one help from me.

Through my coaching I lead you to live in balance with your dogs and rehabilitate unwanted behaviour by providing you with solutions. I explain the "science thing" and help many understand Cesar's philosophy as I advocate and follow his way, encouraging more Pack Leadership from us humans!

To find out more Email me directly,

You can have the life you want with your dog and lead the way to fulfillment whatever the breed!

Call in the "DOC" - Canine Coach Suzie!

Friday, 2 January 2009

The Boxing Day "hunt"

OK - so it is not really a "hunt" but a pack walk along the beach! Joining us is new dog "Oscar" - can't miss him he is the only black dog "bottom" in amongst Jack Russell white bottoms! And, I have no idea what "Loopy Lucy", my mad Setter, thinks she is chasing but what an expression. With her daughter Snoopy, our blind dog, behind yet very alert to her mother's strange movement style.

The dogs love this walk, having received left overs from Christmas lunch there is much energy to run off. So there is nothing to hunt except the smell of fish - but to roll in such is a great from of dog fun!

The odour of dog replaced by that of fish, so it was a wash for all with Tea Tree shampoo on their return, pack leader I am but dog I am not - I just can't bear the scent of rotting fish even if the pack think it is akin to expensive perfume for dogs!

Fulfilled they slept through the rest of Boxing Day, while I watched my gratefully received Xmas gift of Cesar's Season One Dog Whisperer Shows! This series has not been shown on TV here for a while - we watched episode one with the Chihuahua "Nunu" my Chihuahua mix has a split personality...sometimes he is my Jack and sometimes he is "Nunu"!
More about "Jack/Nunu" soon.