Here Together We Are Leading The Way - Helping Dogs All Around The World!

This is my personal blog site, and the "hub" for sharing experiences with you. Here I advocate Cesar Millan's philosophy and ways, sharing success with you all and in the community too! Here there are many tips from my own experiences leading a pack and as a professionaly qualified Behaviourist. Bonus - some extra special insight gained from working for Cesar Millan during the UK Live Tour 2010 as Dog Handler.

For more about my professional services, please do go over to my web site:


It's a "Dog's Life" - 2 pack members swimming in the sea - Ava & PeterPan - "contented canines"!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Ambassador Human...Ambassador Dog!

Hi all, SORRY I have been "absent" but I'm back in the NOW!!!! - Well I have been very busy working and participating in the Dog Whisperer Group which had led to an incredible honour - I have been given recognition by Cesar Millan Inc as an Ambassador of Cesar's Way - The Dog Whisperer(DW). Now this is truly WOW, I join a great group of people also recognised for their ability to follow, understand and promote Cesar's philosophy by effectively communicating his ways - train the owners and rehab the dogs. So I am the UK/Europe Ambassador and this will help me to help you all in becoming the Pack Leader - remember my original goal when in January I set up this blog was to promote responsible dog ownership and this is how I came across Cesar The DW! By explaining...translating communication between humans and dogs I hope to encourage all to learn "how to behave around/with dogs" making this " common knowledge" so it can become "common sense"! Thereby helping to PREVENT accidents, unwanted dogs, unhappy dogs, dogs with problems, breed bans, dogs being unnecessarily being euthanized e.g. for triggered aggression and the list goes on....we do this through gaining a greater understanding of dog behaviour - our relatioships with them and their psychology - I can tell you "what dogs really mean"!! I love helping you all on-line, those in the DW group have really helped me and my pack too, it's like an "extended family"!

Anyway, back to my pack - I have appointed 2 dog Ambassadors!! Sadie and Bob are two balanced "follower" dogs, who if I meet a loose dog out on a walk I send out to greet that dog first. The "power of the pack" from these 2 helps to calm a "stranger dog" before they come near the rest of the pack, actually usually they don't approach the rest of us as these 2 distract them and keep them from approaching by blocking the other dog using their energy - quite incredible to watch! They are Ambassadors because they advocate my ways - to use the dog's option of "avoid", they are super cool dogs! I teach all my dogs to choose "Avoid" when seeing another dog, this is a large pack walk there are 9 of them now on one walk and it is far better to avoid than risk any confrontation and the dog's choosing their own options e.g. "flight" as I would disappear into the distance being dragged behind them at the other end of their leads!! If another dog were to carry on towards us then as Pack Leader I stop the dog from coming close - it is my job to protect my pack, they trust this now and do not react on their own they await my direction - I direct my dogs to choose submit while I take charge and move the other dog back/away from our dogs they follow me!

Oh and for those of you who watch the DW show - hey you should all be doing this by now :-) I have my very own stooge dogs like Daddy, not only Sadie and Bob but Alfie the English Setter, Jack the Chihuahua and Monty the Gt Dane! Max the Dobey thinks he is in retirement now except for chasing those sea birds!

So Happy Pack Leading All - Stay Calm Assertive!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on becoming the 'Ambassador of Cesar's Way - The Dog Whisperer(DW)'. My interaction with dogs is good...although, some owners insist that their dogs do not like the colour yellow - if I wear a 'hi-viz' coat!!! Eh!?? :)All the best. Will.

Kary said...

WOW - congratulations!
I will look forward to more of your posts ... I hope to learn tons! HugZ and again, congratulations on becoming an 'ambassador'!

Anonymous said...

Congrat's on the appointment! Actually, I saw an episode of 'Dog Whisperer'...the other day. Interesting stuff. I notice that, sometimes, when interacting with a dog, he (the presenter) would hold his palm downwards. While out running...there was one run that I went on and I had to give out 'peace' vibes to a couple of dogs. This was in the 'country' (somewhere near a place called 'Bodedern'). Actually, I have used your advice for a couple of other encounters - it works...thanks! I do realise, however, that each situation needs to be dealt with according to the situation at the time. While out running with a running partner, a dog came out of a garden to investigate. Playing the hero (which I am not), I sugested that my running partner gets behind me...and that the two of us should walk very, very, slowly. She is still wary of dogs. She was mauled by a dog on Holyhead Mountain. Why don't you get all your dogs together for a group photo? It would be interesting to see what they all look like!!!