Hello all, and Thank you to Jen for her lovely comment here in reply to my last post.
Here is a great picture for all of you, showing how balanced and calm power breed dogs can be, when they have structure and a balanced life with a calm assertive Pack Leader. Jen's 2 dogs, on the left looking at the photo, and 3 clients on the right.
Remember Cesar's fulfillment formula - Exercise, Discipline then affection - it works when we work it!
With my pack's exercise, we do more on-leash than off now as inspired by Jen, this gives my dogs a greater mental workout, not just a physical one! I add back-packs to increase the mental challenge.
Truly I have seen improvements already, the pack are more relaxed, even PeterPan! We do 75% on-leash with 25% off-leash in the middle.....as a reward for walking well next to me. This more structured way is the way to bond - as one pack!
So when my Terriers are off-leash now, do they still run off after small rodents? NO! Amazing - they follow me and my ways off-leash too! This calmer way meets their needs, so can indeed block breed instinct. They are all super-tired in the afternoons!
So if your dog is still not tired after a walk off-leash - try changing the structure and increase on-leash work-out! Free roaming or running is not as "natural" as we humans may think it is for Species Dog!
Pack Walking - It is the Way to Walk!